About KISC
Welcome to KISC
KISC is a project under the UH Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit working to prevent and control introduced invasive pests from becoming established or widespread on Kauai.
We work across Kauai protecting our native forests, agriculture, and communities from new and ongoing invasive species threats.

Our Mission
Kauai Invasive Species Committee (KISC) is a voluntary partnership of government, private, non-profit organizations, and individuals working together to:
Prevent the introduction of potentially damaging pest species to the island
Eliminate recently arrived (incipient) pests before they spread beyond control
Manage established pests in order to reduce their negative impacts
Educate and involve the public to raise awareness and enhance invasive species management support

Our Work
Our team works across the island on both private and public land to detect new invasive species early and control target species before they make a lasting impact. We prioritize species that are recognized as having the greatest potential to impact native biodiversity and agriculture, and where the use of limited resources are most likely to be successful.