Get Involved
Interested in upcoming KISC events, or supporting our efforts?
Check out these ways you can support the work of KISC and how you can get involved with protecting Kauaʻi from the threat of invasive species.
KISC is non-profit and we appreciate all your support. Your donations go directly to the KISC team to help us with everything we need from equipment to outreach materials. Click here to donate.
Stay up to date with the latest pest alerts, event announcements and invasion updates. Join our mailing list to learn about all the happenings of KISC and what to be on the lookout for. KISC sends out quarterly newsletters, occasional pest alerts. Sign up here.
Are you interested in any upcoming volunteer opportunities, Forest Friday events, or community meetings? Check out our events calendar and join us at our next event, we would love to see you at the next pop up.
The Plant Pono Endorsement program is aimed to support local landscape and nurseries with training to help prevent the import and spread of invasive species. Click here to learn more about the program, see a list of Pono Partners and how your business can become endorsed.
KISC focuses on environmental education for the next generations. Our outreach team gives presentations at many public and private schools and groups. Check out our environmental education page to learn more about how we can help your students or group.
One of the biggest ways individuals can help prevent the spread of invasive species is to clean footwear, vehicles, and equipment before and after entering native ecosystems. To learn more about proper bio sanitation click here.