Season Vine
Season Vine, Princess Vine
Species: Cissus verticillata
Family: Vitaceae
- Woody vine with thick, tough and flexible stems
- Leaves have large variations, they can be oblong or rounded, coarsely or finely serrated and are 1-6in long
- Firm tendrils grow opposite of the leaves
- Small yellow or green flowers grow in clusters, round fruit is black when mature
- Native to Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico to Chile, and Argentina
- Climbing vine that will quickly cover many trees
- Restricts plant growth by blanketing forest canopies
- Considered a major agricultural weed to citrus crops in Texas
- Seeds are water and bird dispersed. Cuttings will easily root. The plant has many long aerial roots that dangle loosely from the tree branches and will root in the ground.
On Kauai
Individual populations are being monitored in Kalaheo, Lawai, Poipu, and Koloa. KISC is currently researching plausible treatment methods.
On the Pono Endorsement Black List. Pono Endorsed Nurseries and Landscapers have agreed to immediately discontinue the sale of Seasonvine.
You can plant pono by reporting Seasonvine to KISC at 808-821-1490 or .