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Recent Posts:
- Growing ʻŌhiʻa
- ʻŌhiʻa Love Fest 2024
- Invasive Informant: ʻŌhiʻa Forests and Water.
- Wildfire presentation and invasive grasses
- HISAM Recognizes Kauaʻi for Excellence in Safeguarding Island from Invasive Species
- Invasive Informant: ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Phenology
- Invasive Informant: ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Day
- Invasive Informant: Forest Journaling Workshop
- Invasive Informant: ʻŌhiʻa Love Fest
- Invasive Informant: Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death
- Aquatic invasives
- Welcome to the Invasive Informant
- Christmas Tree Alternatives
- Forest Fridays: Artists of the Forest
- Coffee Berry Borer Found on Kauai
- Know your Buddlejas
- Miconia Biocontrol a Possibility
- Australian Tree Fern
- Wood rose
- Live Mongoose Captured on Kauai!
- Managing Miconia
- Busy with Botany
- Rain Gardens in the Rainiest Place on Earth
- The Cost of Invasive Species
- Invasive Impacts on Erosion
- Using Insects for IPM
- Managing Pests with Paintballs
- Muscles and Machines
- Walking the Line
- Patiently waiting…